Thursday 28 July 2016

Go Statement

/*Go - this command will send the current batch of query to no of times to sql instance*/
drop table #Test
create table #Test
sno int identity(1,1),
sd char(4)

insert into #Test select 'ss'
go 10

/*the above statement will execute 10 times*/

select * from #Test


/*please Check the differences of all below 3 set of statements: which one is printing more than 1 times!*/

print 'hi'
print 'hello'
go 5


print 'hi'
go 5
print 'hello'


go 5
print 'hi'
print 'hello'


declare @msg char(10)
set @msg= 'hi'

select @msg  as 'before go'
print @msg  as 'after go'

/*please Check the scope of the parameter declaration after sending GO commend*/


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