* All taxi's will be at Different areas in the city, with fixed rates per Kilometer.
* When a User wants to book a taxi from A to B, they can
Check for the availability of cabs in there area with low cost and also high cost.
*A Cab is choosen for the customers based on the criteria as follows,
** Taxi must be in same area where the customer resides .
** Taxi fare must be minimum or maximum based on customer
**If a Taxi is booked by a customer, it should not be available to other customers, who are booking for taxi at the same time Unless that taxi is available again.
*if no Taxi's are available for the customer, UI should diplay the message.
*if Taxi is available for the customer
The Taxi Name, Number, Location Should be dispalyed to the customer for booking or cancelling the Taxi.
*If a Customer books a taxi , the Customer Should get a confirmation message with Taxi Driver Name and Mobile Number.And that Particular taxi should not be available to other customers until that customer finishes his journey.
*When the customer ends the Journey, the Taxi location should be updated and that taxi should be available to others.
Sample SnapShots
Good post on Taxi Services. Great. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteChennai International Airport Taxi
Book reliable airport taxis from Chennai International Airport Taxi at the best fare. We assuring you the best and cheapest airport taxi transfers with dedicated and best-in-class 24x7 customer support. Business Phone Number: +91 8939292000.