Tuesday 9 December 2014

The SQL LIKE Operator

The SQL LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column.

SQL LIKE Syntax:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;


SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '%'                          --  selects all EmployeeName

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE 's%'           --  selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName Starting with the letter "s"  

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '%m'         --  selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName ending with the letter "m"

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '_a%'         --  selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName Starting with any letter and the next letter must be "a" followed by any letters.

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '[a-k]%'    --  selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName Starting from "a"  to "k" followed by any letters.

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '_[a-k]%'   --  selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName Starting from any letter ,next letter should be between "a"  to "k" followed by any letters.

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '[^a-k]%'   -- selects all  from tbsample  excluding ( EmployeeName Starting from "a"  to "k" ) followed by any letters.

SELECT * FROM tbsample WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '_[^a-k]%'  -- selects all from tbsample  with a EmployeeName Starting from any letter ,next letter should exclude ( EmployeeName Starting from "a"  to "k" ) followed by any letters.

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